Mexicans Wears Elf Boot to get interest of females


Mexicans Wears Elf Boot to get interest of females

Mexicans Wears Elf Boot to get interest of females: It is a part of the Elven Outfit. These boots are long, pointy and sort of asinine looking, and were in trend in Mexico. Because of this the cowboy boots with stretched tips again came in fashion among the young generation of southern Mexico. It is kind of a trend when the male dress up to get interest of females, but at the end becomes a reason to laugh at. It is really a bombshell trend, then also can be seen in the feet of TV actors, stage showers etc.

In 2011, KPBS reporter Angela Carone wrote about a fashion trend that started in a rural town in Mexico, had swept parts of Texas, and was leaving her speechless: men wearing ridiculously pointy boots with a wicked upward curl — the tip of some pairs reaching as high as one’s waist. “These Mexican pointy boots are so bizarre,” she wrote, “I fully expect to see them before [year’s] end on the runways of Paris.”

A man wearing his extra long pointy boots stands next to women at a nightclub in Matehuala, Mexico, in 2011.

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