Here’s Why Browsing The Internet Without A VPN Is the Dumbest Thing You Can Do


5. Protect Yourself By Purchasing A VPN

A VPN — or virtual private network — is a security precaution every internet user be installing. This tool filters your internet activity from the rest of the web, acting as a virtual wall that keeps your information from the bad guys and other intrusive agencies. This is crucial to anyone who uses the world wide web on a regular basis — which is almost everyone.

6. A VPN Provides You With A Cloak Of Invisibility

With all of the internet hacks going on — including the recent Equifax credit information leak — it would be unwise to take any internet access lightly. Investing in a VPN is complete night and day compared to simply browsing through your standard ISP — or internet service provider. You are pretty much handing over your life story by browsing unprotected, and the two major benefits of using a VPN service will have you absolutely sold.

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